Where is Cafe Corretto located?

123 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07302.

Is there public transportation nearby?

Cafe Corretto is steps away from the Grove Street PATH station that connects to points in Jersey City as well as
New York City, Harrison, NJ and Newark, NJ

Where can I park near Cafe Corretto?

There are parking garages at 100 Christopher Columbus Drive, 181 Bay Street and 22 Wayne Street as well as limited street parking in
Downtown Jersey City.

Is Cafe Corretto available for private events?

Yes! Contact cafecorretto@romannosejc.com for inquiries about private events or access the private events page at

Is there a two drink minimum during shows?

There is a two item minimum per person, but it is perfectly fine to mix and match food and drink.

Where can I purchase tickets?

Tickets can be purchased online right here! Head to http://cafecorretto.romannosejc.com/events for upcoming shows.

Will my party be seated together?

We do our best to arrange seating based on party size when tickets are purchased together. If your party’s tickets are purchased
separately and you would like to sit together, please email cafecorretto@romannosejc.com with the actual size of your party.

What time should I arrive?

We recommend arriving thirty minutes prior to showtime.

How long are the shows at Cafe Corretto?

Generally shows are estimated as being 90 minutes.

Can I take photos or videos during the show?

No, recording of any kind while the show is taking place is prohibited.